by The JADE
As discussed in one of the previous articles, we have seen how important good copywriting is and how it can go a long way in boosting one’s business. However, it is also essential to understand some poor practices of copywriting and how these can negatively impact one’s business. One grave mistake that is very commonly made would be the lack of thought and effort put into the content. This is quite general and a wide array of errors can be classified under this huge umbrella. In this article, we will be going through some of these errors and the damaging effects that they can have.
A very common mistake would be the failure to proofread. Proofreading is the act of reading through the written work and marking out any errors that need to be amended. Without proofreading, spelling, grammatical and typographical errors are bound to happen. This could be seen when a newspaper held in India, The Hindu Business Line, made multiple typos in one of their ads on Facebook: “Bears and Bulls are getting wilder by the minute. As always, we hav tips tp tame them too”. As a company where their bread and butter is supposed to be educating people about news from around the world or various issues, basic mistakes like spelling errors will not look good for the company in the eye of the public.
Lack of thought into writing content can not only result in typos but can also unintentionally bring out the wrong message to the audience. For instance, in 2017 after the Boston Marathon, Adidas, one of the world’s largest sportswear manufacturers, sent out an email to all the finishers of the marathon with the subject line reading: “Congrats, you survived the Boston Marathon!”. This caused a huge uproar amongst the public as although unintentional, the message came across as extremely insensitive after the bombing that happened in the same marathon four years prior to that. These sorts of mistakes can ruin the reputation of businesses and the trust that people have kept in them, where even the sincerest of apologies sent out afterwards cannot fix the irreversible damage that has already been done.
When it comes to the lack of effort into writing content, a harmful practice would be not attempting to improve the content written over time. Content put out on the business’s website should go through a round of analysis afterwards to see what went well and to reflect on what can be improved. This would help in delivering the content of utmost quality in the future and gives the content a better chance of reaching more people. Moreover, updating the business’s website with regular content posting and articles can go a long way in improving the website’s page rank and thus Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), which would help the website to appear higher up on people’s google search.
In summary, a lack of thought and effort put into content can have an adverse impact on one’s business, it would be a great idea to invest in good copywriting practices and let professionals handle such services! Here at Jade Studio, we have a team of professional copywriters with years of experience writing in English and Chinese to address any copywriting needs your business might have. Feel free to contact us here!