In-depth cultural understanding, deliberations with clients, and the practice of verification are integral aspects of translation work to ensure accuracy and cultural respect of the translation.
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In-depth cultural understanding, deliberations with clients, and the practice of verification are integral aspects of translation work to ensure accuracy and cultural respect of the translation.
Continue reading除了翻译、协助客户自资出版,文玉也积极与各机构合作,借此回馈社会。
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Continue reading智能翻译工具无法企及的专业能力和态度。
Continue reading侄孙从一开始来我家会闹脾气不肯让他爸爸去工作,到后来肯笑着跟他爸爸挥手说“Bye-bye”。
Continue reading不需再独自承受情绪了,协谈提供理解自我的空间,帮你梳理生命中卡着的能量。
Continue readingA wrong letter or number in medicine doses or allergy information can be very dangerous and even life-threatening.
Continue reading这场自资出版迷你工作坊吸引了包括来自新加坡的学员。
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